“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity and is the torch which illuminates the world.”

-Louis Pasteur


Current Available Research *

*Note: We are constantly updating IVF Resources to keep up with new and emerging data. Help make us aware of new or missing literature, broken weblinks, or other areas of need and we will work to remedy.

Ovarian Reserve Tests (ORT):

Ovarian Stimulation Protocols:



Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT):

Embryo Transfer (Day 3 vs Day 5):

Embryo Transfer (Fresh vs Frozen):

Embryo Transfer (Natural vs Programmed):

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) :



Premature Ovarian Insufficiency:

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss:

Male Factor Infertility:

Unexplained infertility:

IVF and advanced maternal age:

Cervical Stenosis and IVF:

COVID-19 and IVF:

Complications :

Clinical Trials:

  • See more information on In-Vitro Fertilization Clinical Research Trials Here: CenterWatch

Last updated: 8/6/2022